Reflexology - Foot Massage or Natural Healing?
Did you know that the whole human body is connected?
Every single part of our bodies, from the top of our head to our feet are connected somehow. If something affects one part of the body, it can also change things for other parts, because the network of nerves and blood vessels that give us life are all connected.
Reflexology is a practice which deals a lot with interconnected body parts and focuses on healing. However, the way that it does this - and the types of practices that go on - can be a little alternative. Reflexology is a traditional style of healing that dates back decades, if not centuries. Let’s take a look.
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is one of the most popular types of massage because it is all about utilizing the intricate network of nerves and blood vessels that run from the feet all the way across the body to deliver targeted pain relief and solve a variety of different problems.
Think about reflexology as being the cure to the problem that you never knew you had. There are so many things in everyday life that can be solved with the help of reflexology. It’s not just a massage, it’s about targeted pain relief and problem-solving. In some cases, reflexology can be applied to the face and the hands, but in our case, we look to the feet, with concepts that date all the way back to ancient Chinese methods of medicine.
How Does it Work?
So, how does reflexology work in practice? Well, it draws heavily from Traditional Chinese Medicine. The first step in any process like this is to soak the feet in hot water. This helps to activate the circulation of the blood, which does wonders for a natural detoxification process. It also helps to restore energy through the entire body, so it’s a vital first step in the process.
But obviously, it’s all about the reflexology massage itself. The trained professional will apply pressure onto specific parts of the feet soles. Each part of the sole corresponds to a different part of the body or vital organ. So, there are parts of your feet that connect to your brain, your lungs, the heart, the liver. Every part of your foot has a different role to play, and by stimulating each of these different areas, you create a healing process.
It’s incredible because this healing process is entirely natural. There is no special kind of treatment involved as such, but instead prompting the body back into a natural state of healing. Your body is capable of regenerating and repairing itself to an incredible degree, but sometimes, it just needs that extra push. Reflexology is all about drawing power from the latent healing processes in the body, pushing them to solve the issues that you have.
The Method to Modernity
The important thing to remember about something like reflexology is that it can be the solution to modern problems. Challenges like high blood pressure, hypertension, all things that we pick up from a busy, unhealthy lifestyle can be reversed and cured to a great extent with reflexology.
Often, we find that the solution to a modern problem is a traditional one. People speak of modern solutions to modern problems, but modern solutions are often chronically unhealthy in the long term. You might be recommended a pill or a medication that could cause massive damage to your internal organs, whereas reflexology can help to do a lot of the beneficial effects without those problems.
In conclusion
Ultimately, reflexology is not just a massage. The main goal of reflexology is to stimulate the natural healing of the body, and to put you back in touch with your own ability to repair yourself. The body healing itself has sort of fallen by the wayside in recent times. We’ve become so accustomed to vaccines, medication, and antibiotics, that we have lost track of the body's natural ability to heal many problems that it encounters. Reflexology helps to give the body back its power to heal, generating positive change through healing, all in a natural way.
If you are interested in learning more about reflexology, feel free to contact us or schedule an appointment.